Monday, July 19, 2010

SOLD 5,000 LHH @ 1.580

Unclepicks has 10,000 LHH.
Bought 11/11/2009 5,000 @ 1.05
Bought 27/01/2010 5,000 @ 1.31
Average 1.18

Sold 5,000 @ 1.580, 34% profit. Remainding 5,000 units.

As for Scomi marine, unclepicks holds 40,000 units. Average price around 40 sen. It's now traded at 55 sen. Still holding for the special dividend. :=)


  1. Hi Uncle, let's exchange url.I have aaded your url to my blog. Please do so. Thanks.

  2. hi unclepicks do you think it is advisable to buy scomimr now at 0.54-0.55 ?thanks

  3. CK, at current level, it has the tendency to drop to 45 sen the most. Your call.

  4. HI uncle, thanks for your reply.With no idea if they will declare the special dividend or not, guess it is taking a fairly risky bet to buy in now.thanks

  5. Special dividend definitely will come. Will only consider to sell above 60 sen. If not, wait for the special dividend.
